Online Backup

Automatic backups for businesses: what you need to consider?

Every company needs to make automatic backups of the company’s own data (invoices, delivery notes, contracts, databases, etc.), as well as of the jobs they perform.

If we do not have these backups for companies, we run the risk that if we get a virus and the information is deleted, we will lose a huge amount of data.

And that can be very expensive. In the same way that it is not logical to have a house or a car without insurance, it is absolutely illogical not to do automatic backups in your company.

In this post we will explain what they consist of and why you should do them.

What is an automatic backup?

automatic backups automatic backups

We’re not just talking about sporadic backups. No, we are talking about saving some important data that you need on an external hard disk or a USB memory stick.

We mean creating and scheduling an automatic backup so that you can have regular backups.

That is, your backups will always be safe and up to date, so that you can restore your data to the way it was on specific dates.

And why does it have to be automatic and not manual?

Well, because in your business you are generating data continuously.

Every time a transaction is made, or you enter a new product in your database, you are adding new information.

If you make manual backups, you will have to be doing them continuously. It is enough that you forget a few days, for that information not to be saved. On the other hand, if the information is automatically saved in an external storage space, you will be able to access it whenever you need it.

What to keep in mind when you make automatic backups for companies?

Well, the first and most important thing is to have a good storage space.

  • One that is GDPR compliant, as you will probably want to store third party data, such as your customer database.
  • That it has enough space available for you to store your backups.
  • That you have the ability to overwrite old backups so that you can make better use of the space.

That is, with your storage space, you can have several possibilities. Either you recover your data to a certain backup date, or you store only the last most current backup and so you don’t have to store more backups.

It is advisable to have at least 4-5 days’ worth of copies, so that if you have made modifications to a file, but then you are not satisfied, you can go back. The problem if we made automatic copies without overwriting previous copies is that your space would quickly run out.

Other things to keep in mind

We recommend that apart from choosing a good cloud storage space for backup, you take into account other aspects.

  • Backups should be encrypted. So that if they fall into the hands of cybercriminals, they cannot discover the data inside.
  • Choose well the files and archives you are going to back up. There is no point in backing up all your data if there is information that you consider irrelevant or that you can easily obtain by other means.
  • Speed in restoring the copies. You need a system that offers you guarantees and allows you to recover your data quickly as soon as you have a problem.

Now, that doesn’t mean that automatic backups have to be the solution to everything.

You must also take security measures to prevent computer viruses, or any computer attack that could put your data at risk.

How to protect data in your company?

The best way to do this is to take into account both prevention and restoration of data.

You never know what can really happen. For this reason, it’s about preventing risks, not just fixing problems after they have already occurred.

Analyze your computer equipment with experts in the field so that we can implement security measures to help you protect your computers.

Find out the best way to make encrypted and automated cloud backups so you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Check also the information you want to store, and what is its location (servers, computers, storage devices…), so that there is no data to be lost in case of a computer attack.

Online backup services help you to generate backups and automatic backups so that you can sleep peacefully. Your company’s data will remain safe and even if something happens you can easily recover them. Request more information about automatic backup services and ask for help.

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