IT security

What if you lost all the data on your computer?

Losing all the data on your computer is a clear risk to your business. If you do not have any system to backing up your data If you have to make backup copies, it is clear that at some point you may encounter any eventuality that will not allow you to recover your data. Without going any further, a computer virus or a problem with your hard drive that does not allow you to recover the information.

Believe it or not, many companies have not updated their operating systems for years. They are so panicked about IT that they are not really aware of the danger they are running. And the truth is that it is precisely this lack of attention that leads us to run unnecessary risks.

We would like to talk about the importance of making backups for your business The backup of your databases, documents, files and programs that you handle on a daily basis.

What to do in order not to lose the data on your computer.

data from your computer

To avoid losing the data on your computer, the first thing you should do is to be proactive. If in your company you are using a Windows operating system that you bought years ago, but that is no longer updated, it is possible that you will have many problems: vulnerabilities, incompatibilities with new programs, etc.

A sign that your computer is not as it should be is if it regularly runs too slowly. This indicates that there may be too many programs installed and working in the background, that the computer has too little RAM for the operating system it has, or even that you may have installed a Trojan that is consuming computer resources.

Why it is important to make backup copies

That said, to be confident that your data will not be lost, it is important that you make backups.

These copies should not be stored on the same computer you are trying to protect. It’s something that seems logical, doesn’t it? It’s important that your backups are encrypted so that even if someone intercepts it, the data can’t be decrypted. You can have peace of mind and confidence that you can restore your data whenever you need to.

Backups should be made online through one of our cloud backup systems, which, by the way, also meet the requirements for the protection of your and your customers’ data.

By not using physical devices, such as USB or DVD, you also ensure that your data cannot be damaged if these devices break down. You will be able to recover the information easily under any circumstance or problem, even if you simply want to change computers and want to transfer all the information to the new computer.

And if I have already lost all the data on my computer, what do I do?

In some cases it will be possible to recover them, since the information is not completely erased in any hard disk, unless a specialized company does it or the hard disk is really damaged. In any case, if you have already lost all the data, it is advisable to take advice from IT experts who can inform you on how to proceed.

In many cases it will not be possible to recover the information. That is why it is important not to rush to try to fix the problem by ourselves if we have no knowledge of the subject. Especially if we have a computer virus, it is important to act quickly and go to our computer maintenance service so that they can clean your computer.

If you have already lost your data, we believe that it is a good occasion for you to start doing things differently. Nowadays it is harder than ever to lose information because we are all connected to the cloud through services like Dropbox, etc. It is important that you make backups in the cloud, but we propose a practical, effective and safer way to do it through our backup systems.

Have you lost all the data on your computer, do you want us to examine what is the computer problem of your computers? We invite you to contact our computer maintenance experts and solve your problem.

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