IT security

Password management, what should you keep in mind?

The password management is a tricky issue in every company. Many companies do not take into account some IT security tips for creating secure passwords. But it is no longer just a matter of making them difficult to guess, but also of storing and using them in a professional manner.

On the one hand, it is very common for some users to tell the browser to remember the password. This is a problem, because if another user connects to that computer, he can access sites for which he should not have access permissions.

Therefore, we hope that this post will help you to better manage your computer. password management you manage in your company.

How to improve password management?

If you use Chrome browser, there is a way for you to know. what are the saved passwords.

  1. You have to open the Chrome browser.
  2. Click on the top right of the screen and go to Profile Passwords.
  3. Here you will be able to view, modify or delete a saved password in Chrome.

In this way, you can now view and manage the passwords saved in Google. It would be advisable for the IT area in your business to develop a Security Policy, where employees are instructed never to save passwords in the browser, for greater security.

How to know the passwords saved on your PC?

passwords saved on the PC

In addition to the passwords that are saved in your browser, you should also take into account the passwords saved on your PC.

How know the passwords that are saved in Windows 10? The Windows operating system has a password vault where the different credentials for accessing different computers on a network are stored, as well as the passwords you have saved in Microsoft browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Edge.

To find out the passwords saved on your PC In order to find the passwords saved on your PC, you must go to the Credentials Manager, using the system search engine at startup. Once inside, we will be able to see both the “web credentials” and the “Windows credentials”, so we will also be able to see the passwords saved in the browsers.

Internet Explorer password management is very important to improve the computer security of our systems. If you do not have passwords saved on your computer, in the hypothetical case of a computer attack, it would not be so easy to find out our credentials to connect to different services.

If we want to improve the password management in Microsoft Edge If we want to change our passwords, we must click on the button at the top right of the screen. We will click here, and in the list of options that opens, we will click on “Settings”. When we click here, we will go to the “Passwords and autofill” section, where we must deactivate the “save passwords” option. We can also click on “manage passwords” to see the saved passwords.

Should I use a password management app?

Some companies use a password management app. This means that you do not have to mentally remember all the passwords for the Internet services or Windows system that you use regularly. It is a very convenient option and can be secure if the passwords are stored in encrypted form.

However, there are other security tips that can be useful for your business to improve password management, as well as generate secure password.

We are talking about having an effective control of the data stored on your computers and the online services you are using. Often external services are used, when you could manage everything internally, using a remote desktop so that employees can connect to the computer and work remotely.

You don’t need to use multiple digital services like email, cloud storage software, etc, when you can have it all centralized on your servers and make it easy for employees to connect to the network with VPN. This way, all the activity performed by your company’s employees will be done within your systems and you can have greater control over security.

In the event that employees save passwords, they would do so within the system and you could have the necessary configurations so that the passwords are not stored.

Improve and take care of the computer security in your business.

We invite you to increase the care you take in the computer security of your business. Especially now with telecommuting, you need to make sure your company is taking appropriate measures for password security.

You never want employees to be receiving passwords via email, nor should they be stored here for long periods of time. Keep in mind that if there is a security breach, and this is not under your control, someone could find out the username and password to access your social networks or the back-end of your website. Also keep in mind how to back up your data.

Contact us if you want to improve IT security in your business or you have doubts about how to manage your passwords properly.

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