IT security

Protect your company’s privacy on the Internet

Password securityThe privacy is a right that we should all exercise. However, new information technologies sometimes encourage people to be less aware of the fact that The Internet is like an open door to the world. Many of the things that are done online under anonymity would most likely not be repeated in reality in front of the same audience, even in front of small groups of people.

Taking care of privacy is not just an issue that affects private individuals. It is also important for companies to follow good practices when it comes to guarding their privacy. In this article we give you some tips to keep your personal information under the best protection.

In what ways can a company lose its privacy?

Companies may have their privacy affected both in the information that relates to themselves and with respect to their customers and the data we hold in the cloud. The latter is even more sensitive, as we have a commitment to save and protect your personal data We will not use your personal data without your express knowledge and give you the opportunity to request that we remove your data from our database.

Formulas in which you may be harmed. our privacy on the Internet are varied. Many times, overconfidence in certain websites ends up becoming the root of a more serious problem.

Don’t give out data if you don’t have to

In many subscription forms will sometimes ask you to provide more data than necessary on a mandatory basis. Actually, a company should not have to give them if for the online service they are going to use it is not really necessary to know them. For example, the postal address or bank details which can be used and resold later for spam campaigns, when we do not subscribe to services that we did not want to contract.

Beware of cookies

Many sites offer a message when you enter stating whether you wish to accept cookies or not. This is so that your activity is tracked and they can obtain data about your potential customers for market research purposes. In itself, there is nothing wrong with this (we do it ourselves).

The problem is with those who don’t warn about cookies, or unscrupulous websites that try to track your activity without permission and with bad intentions. Make sure you have rejected the default cookies of the pages you visit in your browser.

Do not share password information

Password creation should be an important issue in every company. Starting with the Paypal account and bank email, social network accounts and any other company profile you may have on the Internet.

Be sure to create secure passwords that are difficult to guess to prevent someone from stealing your personal data. Beyond that, remember that if you connect from another computer outside the company (for example on a public terminal) you may be putting your computer security at risk of your company, since you do not know the security conditions of that computer equipment. Therefore, always use the equipment of the company or of people you trust the most.

What tactics are you taking to protect the security of your data on the Internet? Are you aware of all the services or pages to which your company has subscribed, and how many have your data?

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